Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Stargate SG-1 - "200" (TV Episode Review #50)

Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell’s 200th trip through the Stargate (that is, in total—leaving and coming back to Earth) is put on hold due to technical difficulties. Conveniently, SG-1 has already been tasked to doctor Martin Lloyd’s script for the revival movie of Wormhole X-Treme! Until the gate can get up and running again, it looks like they’ll have to spend the time continuing to help their old friend out.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Stargate Atlantis - "Sunday" (TV Episode Review #49)

It’s the Atlantis expedition’s rest day, meaning the whole team gets to take the day off. Everyone gets to spend the day doing their hobbies, hanging out with the friends they’ve made, even going on dates. Unfortunately, what should have been a relaxing and peaceful afternoon spirals into disaster when an explosion goes off. With three people dead and many others injured, the Atlantis team gets down to business to take preemptive measures on the new emergency.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Stargate SG-1 - "The Pegasus Project" (TV Episode Review #48)

To gather some Ancient intel on the Sangraal and Morgan le Fay, SG-1 heads to Atlantis. While in the Pegasus Galaxy, SG-1 and the Atlantis team hatch a seemingly impossible plan: use a space Stargate and a black hole to barricade the Ori’s Pegasus Supergate and prevent the entry of more Ori ships into the Pegasus Galaxy. Sam, Mitchell, Teal’c, Rodney, and the Odyssey take up the job.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Stargate Atlantis - "The Queen" (TV Episode Review #47)

When the Atlantis team meets with Todd to propose Dr. Keller’s gene therapy for the Wraith’s dependence on feeding, Todd decides to share this proposal with his Wraith alliance. The thing is, the alliance’s high Queen—called “the Primary”—has no idea that his Queen was killed when his previous hive ship was destroyed last year. As such, Todd hatches a sneakier plan: to solidify alliance with the Primary, Teyla (who has Wraith DNA, and thus can be plastically surgically modified to resemble a Wraith) will have to pose as his Queen.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Stargate SG-1 - "Off the Grid" (TV Episode Review #46)

Somebody has stolen a bunch of stargates! SG-1 finds this out after a recon mission to investigate a new Lucian Alliance drug goes haywire and their escape doesn’t go according to plan. Once they get captured, finding out who stole the stargates will be one thing—but they’ll have to get offworld first.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Stargate Atlantis - "The Daedalus Variations" (TV Episode Review #45)

Atlantis has received contact from the Daedalus, seemingly adrift in space. What’s odd is that the Daedalus is already due back to Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy. Obviously, this warrants an investigation; Sheppard, Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon head over on a puddle jumper to do just that.

A Long, Long Time (A Captain America Fanfic)

Having returned all the other Infinity Stones to their rightful places, Steve Rogers has one stone left: the Soul Stone. On Vormir, he tak...